True Your Fanbase

is a fan of something.

“Seriously, I have the best fans ever!” – Britney Spears

TrueFanbase is creating a trusted, fun, passionate, all-inclusive community for fans to connect with idols and fellow fans across the globe.

Coming soon – stay tuned šŸ˜‰

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The Founder's Story

The year was 2000.

I was sitting in my living room, watching music videos and then she appearedā€¦ her big brown eyes, her look, her voice… I was AMAZED. Until the end of that video, I had no idea who that girl was.

That girl was Britney Spears, singing ā€œBaby one more timeā€ and that was the moment I knew something inside me had changed – I was hooked, FOREVER!

In 2001, for the very first time, I saw Britney performing live in Miami. I remember promising myself there, that one day I will meet her. This was my biggest dream!

At that same concert she told the audience: “My advice for you is to never ever lose your passion to dream. Please, don’t”. And so it goes that since that night, I have never stopped dreaming! Ten years (!) flew by before I finally met Britney in person, in Stockholm, Sweden. It was MAGIC. Say what you may, but Britney Spears is an ICON!

There is something special about being a true fan.

You feel the energy and share the love for that one, special person or group. Youā€™re part of a community (for example, the Britney ARMY), that you can call your own. You feel connected and powerful and most of the time, all of this makes you truly happy.

Fandom is something unique and you should never feel ashamed for being a true fan.

Your idol is often your only hope, your piece of happiness, your joy, inspiration and support. As fans, this is something to be proud of. Itā€™s something we should cherish.

To do just that, I am fulfilling one of my biggest dreams today and building a true fanbase for all of us.

This is how was born.

A reputable community created first and foremost for fans. A platform, where fans can connect with fellow fans around the globe, support our idols, show our love, feel valued, needed, loved and much, much more.

I really wish I could connect with every fan in the world and hear what you want and need from a true fanbase, because my mission is to build the best platform for us, ever!


A true fan & founder of TrueFanbase

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